Deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo
Deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo



Like I said, it is a cheap trick and not fun to play, but if you are just sick of the level and want to get on with the game it works.īarrett slaughtered me every time until I figured out how to use the environment. Also, you might have to go aggro him again if he wanders away too far and can't find you then duck back into cover. Just make sure to stay close to your hidey hole so you can take cover when he comes after you. If you are impatient, you may want to wait until his alert level goes down and he wanders off looking for you to take a few headshots on him from behind when he is facing away to speed up the process. It takes a long time, but eventually he will kill himself.

deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo

The grenades may hurt you a little, but won't do enough damage to kill you and you can regenerate the health fast enough to stay alive if you keep your head down. He will walk right up to the other side of the boxes and eventually throw grenades at you and cause damage to himself because he is too close. If you can get there without him being too close behind you, the AI doesn't seem to allow him to get into a position where he can shoot you. Go there and duck behind the crates (I think they have ammo on them) that are against the wall.

deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo

There is a room behind him in the right corner from the perspective of where you are standing when the fight starts. I finally did this because I didn't do enough side quests before fighting him and didn't level up my character enough yet to be very effective against him and I was sick to death of fighting him over and over, especially given the annoyingly slow re-load time to try again. It is a cheap trick that takes advantage of a glitch in the game, and isn't very satisfying, but it works. After a dozen tries (along with the annoyingly long load time to restart) I found this tip on the Internet that did the trick. The barrel trick worked to a point, but I could never get the knockout punch.


Just use that as an excuse to be relatively free with them.I had a hell of a time with this too, because I went into this fight severely under-armed. The only weapon I ever thought about buying was the crossbow, because there seem to only be a handful in the game.Īs a side note, mines and mine templates are very useful at the end of your first visit to Tai Yong Medical.Īnd if you are thinking that the game does not have enough ways to spend credits, you're right. The most likely candidates are the Tranquilizer Rifle, Stun Gun, and Rocket Launcher ammo for any of the three is rare, and there is no way you'll be able to use any of them as primary weapons without purchasing ammo. Ammunition, only if there is one weapon that you constantly use heavily.If you don't care about Ghost XP bonuses.

deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo

You often don't need to buy them, however you can find them during normal exploration.

  • Special weapon mods, the ones that attach to only one or two specific named weapons.
  • The jar is very wasteful of inventory space, so I never buy any.
  • EMP grenades, up to three or four, for bots, turrets, and cameras.
  • You don't really need more than three silencers or laser sights, however there are only so many weapons to attach them to before your weapon choices start to get redundant.
  • General weapon mods, because they will always be useful.
  • Just make sure you have $10k available when you enter a new area don't expect to have it all immediately.

    deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo

    You need $50,000 to buy Praxis kits, period.What to spend money on depends a lot on play style, but here are my suggestions, in priority order:

    Deus ex human revolution tranquilizer rifle ammo